How We Invest

Portfolio design is all about managing risk. We examine multiple risk sources and incorporate risk evaluation into our portfolio models.

We Take a Global Perspective

Look beyond Canada, and you’ll find a world of opportunities. The global financial markets are changing, and Canada is not immune. Our Global perspective uncovers portfolio design opportunities often missed by traditional portfolios concentrated in only Canada and the United States.

We are Truly Different

Our firm can manage risk and create client opportunities by using a more diversified portfolio. We believe that the status quo of indexing in 60% equities and 40% fixed income is no longer adequate as markets change constantly. This realization lead to the creation of Raintree’s Core + Explore™ Investment Philosophy. 

Our portfolios do not blindly follow indexes, as it is more critical to our clients and us that we focus on risk/reward opportunities.

We Make Disciplined, Long-Term Decisions

Our portfolios are built using data-driven models grounded in empirically proven strategies. Our focus is on relevant information and ignores emotional sentiment. We construct portfolios utilizing robust quantitative data to lead our decision-making.

We Focus on Risk

Portfolio design is all about understanding and managing risk. We start by looking at the different types of risk that can impact our portfolio. This includes market risk, interest rate, and liquidity risk. We then build models that help us understand how these risks affect our returns. This allows us to design a portfolio that is both smooth and safe. By actively incorporating risk into our modelling, we can provide our clients with the best possible experience.