Invest in your Future


Who We Are

At Raintree Wealth Management, we understand that managing risk is essential in achieving long-term success for our clients. We utilize experienced institutional portfolio managers to create globally diversified investment portfolios. By considering valuations across various markets, we strive to minimize risk and maximize returns for our clients. Trust our team to provide the highest standard in investment management.

How We Invest

Risk management is at the forefront of our investment philosophy. We strive to assess and mitigate risk for each client thoroughly; we believe in the importance of a global investment approach. We provide our clients with diverse opportunities by carefully researching and managing global asset allocation.

Finally, we make investment decisions based on a valuation. This approach allows us to identify and capitalize on the best investment opportunities for our clients.

Our Strategies

Portfolio design is all about managing risk. We start by examining multiple sources of volatility that might impact our portfolios.

Canada is just a tiny part of the world’s financial markets. Our global portfolios reflect a top-down perspective on asset allocation using recognized institutional managers.

Our Leadership Team

The Raintree Wealth Management team is comprised of experienced financial professionals who are focused on providing client-centred wealth management solutions.

Peter Kinkaide, CFA

Peter Kinkaide, CFA

CEO & Chief Investment Officer

Jay Bhutani

Jay Bhutani

President & COO


Raintree Wealth Management produces regular content created from the extensive research our investment team conducts.

Market Commentary


Latest Posts

Update on the Middle East Crisis

Update on the Middle East Crisis

Watch the following video update from our CEO, Peter Kinkaide, on the conflict in the middle east from Raintree Wealth Management’s perspective as it relates to the financial markets.

Emerging Markets

Emerging Markets

What are some of the benefits and challenges of investing in emerging markets, and what strategies can help you be successful?

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